Green Meetings
Green Meetings
It's easy being green!
Below are some tips for meetings, hotels, and work places to follow to reduce their waste and create a happier and healthier environment for all.
Green Practices for Meeting Planners
A green meeting incorporates environmental considerations throughout all stages of the meeting process in order to minimize the negative impact on the environment. An average meeting produces 61 pounds of solid waste, uses 846 gallons of water, produces 1,419 pounds of greenhouse gas emissions and a typical five-day conference for 2,500 attendees will use 90,000 cans or bottles, 75,000 cups and 87,500 napkins.
- Include environmental criteria in the RFP and contracts.
- All catering plates, cups and glasses to be china or glass (non-disposable). If plastic, they must be washable and no styrofoam under any circumstances.
- All napkins to be cloth. Use coasters instead of cocktail napkins whenever possible.
- Separate recycling bins for attendees to use at all catered functions, registration, and on the exhibit floor
- Any leftover food donated to a local food bank or mission. (Click here for more on the Federal Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.)
- Paperless registration and communication.
- If paper is used, please double-side whenever possible.
- Is the hotel located within walking distance to other city attractions or easily accessible by public transportation?
- Request the hotel not to change the sheets and towels daily unless requested. Do not replace the amenities daily unless they are gone. Request the hotels' housekeeping staff to shut blinds and turn down the heat/air conditioning during the day in sleeping rooms while attendees are away.
- Choose food in season from the local area.
- When providing promotional products, please use recycled content if available.
- Evaluate the 'green' event and celebrate its success.
For more information on green practices, contact Deb Goedeke, Convention Services Manager at 1-800-258-3582 x100