The Van Schaick Mansion is one of the most historic homes in New York State with a rich history that is tied to both the French and Indian War & the American Revolution. Built circa 1735, the house was used as military headquarters for a number of English generals during the French and Indian War. During the American Revolution the mansion once again served as military headquarters and was inhabited by Generals Schuyler, Gates, Poor, St. Clair and Colonels Morgan, Gansevoort and Arnold while formulating the plans for the battle of Saratoga.
For the past 278 years, the mansion has been lovingly cared for by descendants of the Van Schaick Family, various individuals; and since 2001, the Gen. Peter Gansevoort Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The Van Schaick Mansion Project, under the auspices of the General Peter Gansevoort Chapter, NSDAR, was established to collect, preserve, and present the cultural history of Van Schaick Island. The Project pursues this mission through the preservation and interpretation of its site, the Van Schaick Mansion, as a site for the presentation of collections, exhibitions and programs to benefit the community. -
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