Underground Railroad Education Center
- 194 Livingston Ave. Albany, NY 12210
- Downtown Area
- Phone: (518) 621-7793
- Fax: (518) 432-4432
Visit one of New York’s most fascinating stops on the Underground Railroad and hear the story of Stephen Myers, who, after gaining his freedom, turned his home into a refuge for people escaping enslavement. The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence, an award winning historic site and important stop on the Underground Railroad, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the National Park Service Network to Freedom, and on the New York State Underground Railroad Heritage Trail.
This three-story Greek Revival home welcomed freedom seekers and served as a meeting place for noted abolitionists throughout the course of the 19th century. Stephen Myers was born enslaved in New York State, received his freedom at 18 years of age, and rose to prominence in abolition circles. In the 1840's, he is noted as managing "... the most efficient organization in the state of New York, in the business of aiding the way-worn and weather-beaten refugee from slavery’s shambles…" (David Ruggles, 1844).
Today, the Residence, which is in the midst of an ambitious restoration, is a center for learning. Visitors can experience, through interactive, innovative activities, the challenges that confronted these early civil rights activists. Year round events for students, youth, residents and visitors offer a range of different ways to engage with this compelling story and recognize its relevance for us today.
Sit in the restored front parlor where the Vigilance Committee met, participate in a site-wide scavenger hunt to find clues about the home’s history, or volunteer for preservation projects to keep this important resource vibrant. -
General Information
- Open January:
- Open February:
- Open March:
- Open April:
- Open May:
- Open June:
- Open July:
- Open August:
- Open September:
- Open October:
- Open November:
- Open December:
- Monday Hours: 5-8pm
- Tuesday Hours: 5-8pm
- Wednesday Hours: 5-8pm
- Thursday Hours: 5-8pm
- Friday Hours: 5-8pm
- Saturday Hours: 12-4pm
- Sunday Hours: Special programming or scheduled visit
- Tour Times: Tours for individuals offered by request during regular business hours. Tours for groups need to be scheduled in advance by calling (518) 432-4432 or emailing info@undergroundrailroadhistory.org.
- Guided Tours:
- Self-Guided Tours:
- Admission Fee: $10 adult; $8 seniors; $5 ages 12-5yr; free under 5 yr
- Public Restroom:
- Gift Shop:
Jan 24
Recurring weekly on Friday