The Pine Hollow Arboretum is excited to introduce our Wildly Together Series with educator and author, Anita Sanchez. These 1-hour long programs are geared towards families. Please select all the programs you would like to attend and the number of people you are registering for. Suggested donatino is $15/person per program.
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Learn the Ferns: 6/7 at 10am
Participants will explore the trails of the Arboretum while learning to identify some of the many species of native ferns found there. We'll discuss field guides and ID apps, and learn basic concepts of fern biology and identification.
Spring Greens: 5/17 at 10am
We'll collect and sample many species of edible wild plants while learning about the differences between native and non-native plants. We'll discuss why some plants are highly invasive and the effect that has on the environment. We'll also talk about ethical foraging.
The Great Woodpecker Hole Hunt: 9/20 at 9am
A citizen science project to inventory woodpecker holes on the Pine Hollow property. A fun, family-friendly program, this will also provide a database of information on woodpecker species that use the Arboretum and their feeding and nesting sites.
Wild Tea Party: 8/16 at 10am
While learning to identify some of the many conifer species at the Arboretum, we'll make and sample healthful and tasty teas made from cedar, spruce, pine, and fir. All of these species are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients.
Nature's Crayons: 7/12 at 10am
A program for families with young children. In this hands-on program, participants will use the pigments and natural colors found in grasses, flowers, rocks, mud, and other natural materials to create artworks. Come prepared to use your imagination--and get your hands dirty!