Tulip season is the best time of year in Albany! We hope that you enjoyed tracking the tulips, from stems to full bloom, in Albany County this spring. Thank you to everyone who posted a photo with the hashtag #518TulipTracker on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! From the stunning tulip beds in Washington Park, to cheerful blooms in unexpected places, springtime in Albany is full of picture-perfect moments. Scroll on to admire a handful of our favorite photos posted on social media using #518TulipTracker.
The #518TulipTracker Scavenger Hunt featuring Tulip Festival (& Albany!) history is now available on the Discover Albany App. Solve 10 fill-in-the-blank clues by finding the missing word at landmarks, parks and heritage sites. Those who finish 7 of the 10 clues by May 31 will be entered to win a prize. Download the app to start the scavenger hunt!
#518TulipTracker Albany's Annual Tulip Festival in Washington Park.#tulips #flowers #albanyny #spring pic.twitter.com/EybnHQ6BU9
— Meg Sodano (@MegSodano) May 7, 2021
Celebrate the 2021 Albany Tulip Festival virtually with The City of Albany's Office of Cultural Affairs, Discover Albany, Citizens Bank and The City of Albany Department of General Services with #518TulipTracker. Follow along on social media and use the hashtag to join the conversation.