Lori Britt Horvath
Sweet Adlines International Great NY/NJ Region 15 Marketing Coordinator
Mobile: 516.551.7488
Email: lbhorvath@yahoo.com
Sweet Adelines International Greater NY/NJ Region 15 Convention and Competition
The Greater NY/NJ Region #15 of Sweet Adelines International includes more than 900 women who sing 4-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style in 20 choruses throughout New York and New Jersey. During the weekend of May 18 - 20, the region will hold its annual convention and competition in Albany, beginning with a mass sing on the steps of the New York State Capitol Building at noon on Friday, May 18. (Rain location is inside the Empire State Plaza on the concourse.) The mass sing event is free and open to the public; all are welcome to come and enjoy the thrill of 4-part a cappella harmony as we kick off our convention weekend.
After the Mass Sing, competition events begin with a quartet contest at 1:30 p.m. in the Empire State Plaza Convention Center. This event is open (via ticketing) to the general public. It is a perennial favorite, and will feature 24 female barbershop quartets in judged competition.
Chorus competition will begin at 12:00 noon on Saturday 5/19 and run through approximately 5:00 p.m., with 18 choruses performing. Tickets for this event, as well as the quartet competition on Friday, will be on sale in the lobby outside the concert hall at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center, and are $30 per person ($10 each for students.)
Members of the media are welcome to attend the events, however photography is not permitted during the competition. To learn more about Greater NY/NJ Region #15 and our choruses and quartets, visit our website at http://www.sairegion15.org, or Sweet Adelines International at http://www.sweetadelinesintl.org