1754: In July 1754, more than twenty representatives of several northern and mid-Atlantic colonies had gathered in Albany, NY, to plan their defense to the French & Indian War.
The plan, a proposal to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies, called for a general government to be administered by a President General- to be appointed and supported by the Crown- and a Grand Council to be chosen by the representatives of the colonial assemblies. The Plan was adopted after many issues and objections were discussed, though the colonial assemblies and British Representatives rejected it.
In the aftermath of the American Revolution, however, the Articles of Confederation, the precursor to the United States Constitution, were most assuredly inspired by some aspects of the Albany Plan of Union.
The meeting of these delegates took place at the Stadt Huys, Albany's first public building at the intersection of Broadway and Hudson Avenue. Today, the old Delaware & Hudson Railroad building stands at this location, and serves as the central administrative offices for the State University of New York.
In 1797, Albany was named the State Capital and the New York Legislature made its home in Albany's City Hall. Eventually, a new City Hall and New York State Capitol were built, and both have been replaced with grand structures that still stand today.